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8 simple steps to planning your wedding

If you’re like me, ( a go-getter ) roll priorly be good at this, if you’re not, well then here’s a whole blog on wedding planning :)

Step 1. Get engaged lol

Something I did before I got engaged was pan out my future wedding on Pinterest, made a list of people who my fiance and I would want there, and even made a mock-up seating chart. This was defiantly a bit much, however, it made planning our wedding that much easier. (I knew he had a ring before we started this)

Step 2. Enjoy your engagement

This is a once-in-a-lifetime season of life for you and your significant other! Pause, relax and enjoy. We started wedding planning the next day, it was enjoyable but we defiantly needed to just pause for a sec before we jumped into all the hard stuff because wedding planning is hard.

Step 3. Look over your list of people you want to invite if you’ve already made it or make your list

We messed up on this part and started getting people's info right off the bat not thinking of our budget or the number of people we actually want there. Thankfully it ended up all working out for the people we invited lol.

Step 4. Set your budget

Weddings are expensive. Don’t be fooled by Pinterest or the movies. DIY is harder than it looks and the movie wedding probably costs about 50k. Have you ever seen the show where the couple has a budget of 30k and then has to pick either a wedding or a house? Think of it like that when you’re planning your wedding. Obviously from the outside in you would pick a house. BUT when it is YOUR wedding you’re gonna want one lol. So, find a happy medium where you can afford both. Weddings aren’t about the o lah lah it’s about you and your significant other becoming one before the Lord.

Step 5. Get a planner

If you don’t already have a life planner I suggest you go to your nearest TJmaxx and get one for life and your wedding. Wedding planning is like a job you don’t get paid for, you’re gonna want to keep track of everything in your planner. They even have pre-made wedding planners on amazon that have a section for everything you need I your wedding.

Step 6. Set up tour dates

Go check out venues, food vendors, all the fun wedding stuff! It’s such a fun experience you will never forget. We knew what venue we wanted from the second we walked in. Just enjoy each other touring and trying food and drinks

Step 7. Don’t rule out all-inclusive

For some odd reason, I was so not for all-inclusive weddings. I wanted to DIY it all on my own. BIG FAT NO. all-inclusive made the most sense for my fiancé and me. It was in our soft budget of 10k and it had everything we needed. All we need is dessert, centerpieces, and flowers which is enough DIY for me. Look at all your options before you completely say no.

Step 8. Don’t let people tell you what to do

This is not about anyone else but you and your significant other. The two of you get to discuss your wants on your big day. Advice is welcome but no one gets to dictate your day. No one has done this with us lol thank Jesus. However, people will always have something to say. Thank them kindly for their input, don’t take it to heart, and you plan the day how the two of you want.

These are my first 8 steps to planning a wedding. It’s a big change for you and your partner. Combing what the two of you want for your big day along with taking the next step with them. Cut yourself some slack, remember to take time to love each other without the word planning involved, and have fun! Also fun tip, we use the app wedding wire to do all our planning !

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